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Our Mission Covid-19 has ravaged the economies across Europe causing unemployment, industrial shutdowns and joblessness. Young people have really stepped up across Europe and have been helping local residents- whether assisting the elderly, providing food banks or just helping out in local communities. This project wants to harness this upbeat spirit and help young people to become actively aware of their positive personal potential by addressing their youth workers, trainers, coaches or councellors.


Who is the VALUE Project for?

Our project VALUE will come in by offering new forms of empowering young disadvantaged learners and motivating them to apply hitherto neglected skills and tacit potentials related to civic and social behaviour – also connected to their employability - by addressing and providing innovative pedagogic solutions to their youth workers / teachers/ trainers (i.e. pedagogic guidelines for training and coaching implementation, tools & exercise material for trainers and validated samples and attractive implementation models).

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